Hey! So I (20M) just went through the most horrible breakup of my entire life. About 3 months ago, my gf of 3.5 years broke up with me. She was my first… everything. We were very very active after our first year and a half of being together, and now that she has broken up with me I feel this craving almost all of the time. I find myself thinking about it, and masturbation/porn only manages to stop the feeling for a few hours.

I believe I am mostly craving the intimacy and physical contact, not her specifically since I know I do NOT want to get back to all that, but I just feel this constant craving, as if I were hungry or thirsty all the time. It is a very wild experience, especially since before I even had sex I was one of the people saying "well, sex isn't really a necessity".

I went to therapy (mainly to have a professional who could validate my feelings and help me navigate the breakup), met new people, started new hobbies, went to the gym and just tried to improve myself; and it has worked… expect for the sex part.

I met a new person, we connected super super fast and became a couple, however they have 0 experience with sex and wants to take it slow (so do I, since I believe these things take time); but this means that I have succesfully placed myself in a situation where I am 100% not going to have sex for at least a couple of months… maybe even a year (since me and my ex had our first kiss around out 1 year mark as far as I remember).

I really like this person, and I am not even thinking about breaking up with them so I can find someone who I can hook up with; I'm just finding ways to put off this craving so I can chill out as our relationship grows. I am going to keep focusing on myself, working on my hobbies, university, friends and stuff but… I have been doing that for a while and the urge doesn't go away. Any ideas?

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