What is it that women want anymore, like you cook, clean, be loyal, respectful, do whatever it takes to make someone happy even if you have to go out your way to get like 100+ dollar concert tickets to something you've never even heard of, and it's still never enough. There's always another guy who might like different music or have a different clothing style or something and ig that's better? Then like a month he's a piece of shit and they either come back to you and complain or just complain and now all guys aren't shit.

I know there's so many good women who get done wrong by shitty men and i speak on that a lot but I'd be a fool to pretend it's not vice versa, You know how genuinely confusing it is to have someone tell you that you're everything someone is looking for and that you treat them so well etc then just shit on you and then sometimes once again for someone who isn't shit, i know it sounds dumb but idk I've started to actually catch myself question if being a "good man" is actually even worth it, i know how i was raised and idk I'm like programmed a certain way i just can't be mean it's very hard idk how to explain it I'd have to be genuinely pissed to an entirely different level to disrespect someone I'm with.

Then you get told that you're too kind and respectful and it doesn't make sense to me, because am i supposed to be shitty i don't get that.. my mom and dad didn't instill that in me. I've been seen as more "interesting" when I'm depressed and don't give a damn for a good minute which i guess goes back to the appeal of a man who doesn't care about anything which is once again weird.

I've started to just not care and mind my business because maybe when i have my house and get a better job etc I'll be "ideal", I'm just losing hope in most of humanity because everyone is so confused and backwards that tbh on either side i don't think 90% of people know what they want or should be, i mean for goodness sake I've had someone be turned off by the fact that i was only half Puerto Rican, like I'm sorry?…. I can't morph my genes ig like what does that even mean lol..

Have a goodnight/Day everyone✌🏾☀️🌑

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