It's not actually DnD, it's a different tabletop RPG, but the title is for simplicity.

I (25M) am in a small tabletop RPG group with my best friend "Haley" (27F), and two other friends. We've been friends since high school, and have always had a lot of fun together. Casual games have often evolved into dramatic, epic quests that have us meeting multiple nights a week.

Haley and I have always loved the character roleplay aspect of the game, and often play opposing characters who come from different backgrounds and fight constantly about morality and strategy (in-game). Out of game, we're incredibly close and I see her like a sister.

This past year, Haley had to take a break from our sessions because of some family issues happening with her aunt. She did a lot of mediating and I was a shoulder to cry on many nights. I'm glad that she's through all of that now, and especially glad that she's feeling less stressed and able to return to our games.

The problem is that she's gotten worse at playing. In-game, I will try to pick up our trusty dynamic, and start arguments with her character, but she often concedes quickly and has her character state that she came around to my character's POV (even if he said something really fucked up and wrong). Or I'll have my character say something stupid on purpose, to give her character a chance to correct mine and be the hero, but she won't say anything. I'm getting frustrated, and miss the way things used to be, but when I've brought it up, she just says that she is still interested in arguing in-game, but feels out of practice.

Our other friends don't seem to care one way or the other (they've always cared more about the combat parts of the game) but the sessions have become seriously less fun for me. I leave evenings frustrated, and don't always look forward to going anymore. I told Haley that I might take a step back from game nights and she almost started crying. Should I keep going to game nights even though I don't enjoy it anymore?


tl;dr – my (25M) best friend (27F) has gotten worse at tabletop RPG in the past year and I don't want to play with her anymore, but I fear this will ruin our friendship. Should I keep going to games anyway?

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