My bf just started on his new school, he told me that his family asked if there were any pretty girls at his school, he said “i already got my gf”. Then the day after they continued and told him that its normal to find other girls pretty and look at them.
I found this kinda disrespectful towards me like they want someone else as his gf. I said to him that i found it odd for them to say and he didn’t agreed and found in normal for them to say.
They have said similar stuff like that when i was there with them i found it weird back then, but now even more, maybe because i also am a bit scared he will find someone new at his school. But also because they bought it back the day after even though he told them that he already had me.

TLDR; I feel like (20F) bf’s (22M) family disrespected me or is this normal?

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