Feeling the blues today. How do you cheer yourself up?

  1. A shower with a nice smelling body wash followed by an amazing coffee and maybe a puzzle/good music.

  2. • Going for walks/jogs
    • Work out (though when I’m having a depressive spell, I take it easy and do light work outs)
    • Listening to music
    • talking to my partner or friends about whatever it is I’m feeling
    • cuddle with my cat

    Hope you feel better

  3. I listen to fun music. I made a Playlist of the songs that make me happy, which are upbeat and have happy lyrics. I play it wearing block sound earphones. It pulls me out of the blue cloud into dancing mode and laughs.

  4. Same 😭. Usually force myself to work out, do like a pampering shower (face mask, hair mask, etc.) while listening to some of my fav songs, or watch something dumb and funny

  5. Repeating positive mantras such as « I can do it », « everything is going to be okay », « don’t worry » and try to keep a positive attitude. Also, cheering people around you, and people who help you (like a colleague, a friend, a delivery person or a bus driver by thanking them and telling them they’re doing a great job). It always cheers me up.

  6. Listen to my favorite songs, cuddle with my dog and reading my journal. I have been journaling to keep positive memories and write down compliments I’ve gotten from random strangers so that when I do feel down, I go back and read them.

  7. No idea lying in bed avoiding the world. Idea of playing chicken on the motorway sounds enjoyable not gonna lie, gives me something to do thats fairly easy.

    Sadly, cant do that so I’ll have another hot shower.

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