So I (25F) matched on hinge with a guy (26M). We’ve been on 3 actual dates, got along really well and conversation was great. We didn’t have a kiss on any but they were in public so didn’t know if it was that or if he was just a bit shy/nervous (we had talked briefly about dating and he said he hadn’t done much and neither have I).

I went away for 2 weeks and he carried on texting multiple times a day where I thought if he wasn’t interested it would fade. Invited him round for the evening and turns out he is very much not shy. We had a nice time making out and a bit more, I said we weren’t having sex as we hadn’t even kissed before and that this wasn’t a booty call situation. He said it definitely wasn’t a booty call and he didn’t have any expectations except he was hoping for a kiss. He mentioned sex a few times while making out and I don’t know if it was just dirty talk for future or he was more hoping to persuade me. It wasn’t pressurising but also sort of felt like he was hoping I’d just say yes.

Anyway now I’m regretting having not brought up the conversation of dating intentions before this as now I feel like he might say he’s wanting more just to get laid. Equally I’m happy to have sex but I like to know whether it’s just sex or not.

Is it best to bring it up in text before we next see each other or bring it up in person? Or have sex and bring it up in a week or 2 when he might not feel the threat of sex being withdrawn? Is there a way to get a clear answer?😂

TLDR – Met on hinge, 3 public dates and no kiss, have a lot in common and get on well. Spent time alone in private, made out and a bit more. He wanted sex I said not tonight but am interested. Haven’t brought up dating intentions and now don’t know when to so he doesn’t just reply the right thing to get laid?

  1. Ask now and even if he says the right thing, Take. It. Slow. Keep meeting up in public places. Let him get to know you and get attached to you (sex is better that way anyways). See if his conversations are more than about sex or your physical aspects. Does he bring up sex every day?

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