TLDR: I keep finding out about my girlfriend’s dishonest actions and despite concrete evidence being in front of us or it being a recent event she will say that she forgot about it.

I (M19) have been dating my girlfriend (F18) for about a year and a half. In the beginning of our remainder we were both in ok shape but a couple months after we both gained weight due to a poor diet. I’ve been trying to get her to workout with me over the time that’s passed and she’s been warming up to it. I lost 15 lbs by just tracking my calories and working out. I’ve tried to get her to do the same but she always “forgets”. Recently I’ve stopped counting calories and stopped pushing her to do it. However, we both agreed to stop eating fast/processed food. A few months passed and yesterday I decided we could have a cheat day so we went to Wawa (convenience store thats mainly on the east coast). Today after we worked out I found that she went to Wawa by herself that same day before we went and got a quesadilla and mac and cheese. She tried to tell me that it was from a week ago but the date was on the receipt. She then proceeded to cry and tell me she forgot about it. She seems to do this frequently. Ill find something that she either didn’t tell me about or said the opposite happened and she will try to cover it up by saying she “forgot”. Im starting to doubt everything she says.

Edit: I forgot to mention that the main reason I’m trying to help her with her health is because she frequently complains about how she looks.

  1. I don’t think it’s a good idea to pressure your girlfriend to eat the way you want her to. She’s lying about that specific thing because you’re making her embarrassed. It doesn’t sound like she’s lying to you about anything else. I’d leave it alone. You’re going to wind up straining your relationship.

  2. Does she only do this about food and working out? If so, stop trying to force to do things she doesn’t want to do. It’s her body, if she doesn’t want to eat healthier and work out, she doesn’t have to. You’re treating her like a child and probably making her feel insecure about her body.

  3. She’s self-conscious about her weight and lied about some food she ate. And you think she’s lying about other things because of this?

    You just do you, ok? Let your girlfriend figure out her weight situation herself. She doesn’t need your ‘supervision’ or interrogations.

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