I was travelling on the London Underground the other week and it was during rush hour and it was so hot and cramped and stuffed full of people I thought I was actually going to puke on a bloke sitting in front of me. Thankfully I didn’t though!

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  2. I literally have actually. At a party, many many years ago.

    She wasn’t best pleased, I can tell you

  3. Don’t think I actually have but in front of strangers when drunk, sure.

  4. I was once snogging a girl I met while camping, and puked all down her back then carried on kissing her. Denied all knowledge and got away with it.

  5. Yes, I was about 10 weeks pregnant at the time and on a train that was more than a little bumpy. Someone else was eating cheese and onion crisps, and it just came out. I was mortified, but the lady in question was very nice about it.

  6. Not on a stranger but in their taxi.

    I was a kid and had just had an operation involving a general anaesthetic. I was hungry when I came round and the hospital felt I was OK to be given a sandwich before being discharged.

    I wasn’t OK at all.

    Felt really bad for the driver and my dad who had to help clean it.

  7. I was at a festival about 8 years ago. We’d camped in quite a nice spot, though it was (unknown to us at the time) slightly closer to the toilets than we’d like. Every day or so they’d sent a big lorry up to essentially hoover out the portaloos, which understandably kicked up a massive smell across the lot of the campsite.

    Cut to the Saturday afternoon, it’s been very sunny and we’d been drinking all day. The lorry comes up to do its work and due to the heat and lack of wind the smell was very, very powerful. I’ve a pretty weak gag reflex at the best of times but in the middle of a festival had made it even worse. I could tell what was going to happen so I had to try and find somewhere far away I could get to. I could feel the bile rising and had my hands over my mouth. I wasn’t paying too much attention to where I was running and tripped over the rope for someone’s tent, falling straight through the open front flap. As soon as I hit the deck it all just came up, through my fingers and into the porch of their tent.

    All things considered they took it very well and just told me to go clean myself up, whilst I apologised profusely through my vomit soaked hands.

  8. When I was a kid we were on holiday in France and it started bucketing down during a thunderstorm. My family and about 15 other people squashed into this bus shelter thing to wait for it to pass over… and I barfed on the feet/lower legs of 2 or 3 people.

  9. Many years ago, we were around fifteen years old and had somehow gotten hold of some alcohol. A couple of police officers were suspicious and we were doing our best to act sober before my mate puked over one of the officer’s shoes. He was not impressed

  10. Yeah, I’d gone abroad for a language course. Immersion, barely spoke a word of the target language. First day of class was the second day in the country and I got on badly with the water. Ran out of class, didn’t know where the loo was, tried to ask some rando on their own way to class, heaved chunks all over them and in a fairly impressive splatter radius. As it turned out, they spoke English, I could have asked in English and made it to the loo.

    Also there were the multiple times I’ve been getting a shot, passed out unexpectedly, and thrown up on the poor bastard who’s jumped in to catch me. I don’t get shots sitting up any more. Pregnancy fucks you up.

  11. I was once in an assembly in primary school, we were listening to the headteacher deliver a speech and, all of a sudden, I threw up all over the poor girl sitting in front of me; her hair was covered in the Nutella porridge I had for breakfast.

  12. Girl threw up on my lap during a taxi ride home. Stayed very very still on those winding roads to avoid being charged a cleaning fee.

  13. God yes. Its how I met one of my best mates at college, come to think of it. She was grateful she had a bucket hat on, let me tell you.

  14. Unfortunately yes when I was 17, woke up at my boyfriend’s house feeling very very ill, could barely even keep water down, stuff neck and red blisters on my arms.

    He phones my mum who immediately thinks meningitis and to get me to a&e and she’ll meet us there, bf’s dad refuses to drive us, so only option is the bus.
    Get 90% of the way there and I start to feel sick again, bf asks the driver to let us off as I was going to hurl, driver refuses, I’m in no state to argue as it’s taking all my willpower to not puke.
    And then, unfortunately my stomach gave out and the poor woman sat opposite got about 200ml of puke water all over her feet.
    The driver did let us off at this point, where I proceeded to throw up everything else that was still in my stomach.

    3 days in hospital, a lumbar puncture and god knows how many bags of IV fluid and antibiotics and it conspires I had Toxic Shock Syndrome (TSS)

    I sometimes think about that woman, she got on the bus to have a nice day shopping in town and I ruined it for her.

  15. I’ve been puked on, a lot, but my fault for working in healthcare for over 15 years.

    I threw up on my mate’s dad’s shoes at his 18th, top tip, if you don’t want your shoes ruined don’t give a very drunk 16 year old girl Aftershock.
    My friend had to put me to bed with him (the friend, not the dad) as he was worried I wouldn’t make it through the night (why, why did you have to remind me of that, it’s been 20 years, I’d forgotten, now I’m all embarrassed again)

  16. Managed to splash the feet of a fellow inpatient at hospital once. She was helping me get to the toilet to throw up (it was urgent, there were no vomit bowls to be found anywhere and i was having difficultymoving) and I only slightly got my aim right in the bog. She didn’t mind one bit, but I was mortified.

  17. Sort of. I was horrendously travel sick on a flight and dashing to a toilet, didn’t quite make it and some escaped from the corner of my mouth and the paper bag onto a nearby passenger.

    I was a kid and by the time I got out of the toilet my parents had cleaned and apologised to the person I threw up on. I think the embarrassment was so severe it actually cured my travel sickness because I’ve never had it as bad since.

  18. Haha my brother did on the tube back when he was 7 I think. Ages ago but it was like after he ate a fuck tone of sugar and had spent all day travelling.

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