I’m working in the service industry right now and doing pretty well, enough that I’ve got positive feedback coming in quite often. Most of them I don’t personally receive. But occasionally, someone would approach with good intentions. And I would freeze up, every single time. The experiences were always so awkward I was internally recoiling in cringe. I know that’s not a healthy mindset to have, but no amount of research online seems to have a valid answer. Can some of you guys share your own experience?

  1. In my opinion i I think the best way to react is to simply say thank you for the nice compliment or feedback or to say thanks and smile back. I’ve been on both extreme spectrums of reacting to complements where I would completely refuse it and list all the faults in what the other person is complementing as i I thought I had to do so I wouldn’t seem arrogant or I would overreact and thank excessively and try to complement back immediately because I thought that’s the polite thing to do. in my opinion these actions were totally unnecessary and a simple thank you is always enough.

  2. Just a small smile and “thank you” is enough, you don’t need to do anything else. I also am very awkward with compliments, especially at work. As long as you say thanks you should be ok

  3. I say “Thank you” and then I’ve read somewhere that complimenting them back is a okay to reciprocate. There’s a mindset this YT’ber has with finding something positive to think about everyone, sort of “forcing” that mindset.

    It’s sort of “practicing over” the cringe “reaction” if that makes sense.

  4. Hit em with the fluster luster if it’s a guy saying it. “Ay you got a big dick man, I appreciate it.” That’s if you’re friends with them or people that you spoke briefly with and know that they are comfortable enough with jokes like that

  5. Just say thanks. Maybe compliment back if there’s something you wanna compliment but don’t feel obligated.

  6. Are you receiving positive feedback from customers? If so, “Thank you, I’m so glad that I could help you today!”

    If it’s from a manager, “Thank you, I really appreciate hearing that!”

  7. You could say “Thanks”, “Thank you”, “I appreciate the compliment”, Thanks, I appreciate the compliment”. You don’t need to say any thing incredible, try accepting the compliment with your words and let the feelings flow over you. It will feel uncomfortable a first, but it will eventually become a habit and you will have an easier time accepting positive feedback.

  8. I usually just go with a very bright ”Aww thank you!” and proceed with whatever I’m doing.

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