Okay, so this story will include 4 person
A-Girl who I met on a party
B- Her good friend
C- My best friend who is in relationship with B

Okay. So let's start.
Me and A met at party and we talk very much. We spend all the time together at party. We even make out a little bit at the end, but next day she seems like she got moral hangover.
So I decide to message her if everything is okay after party etc. and maybe she wants to go for a dinner or something. She answers she is after her breakup and she don't want to make new relations. Okay I understand that so I just let it go, but couple of days ago I got new info about all situation from my best friend C.
He says, that mostly all messages between me and A was sending by her good friend B, cuz she was angry at me because I didn't bought her gift for her party (It was party where I met with A. Reason why I didn't bought her gift was that. My friend C forgot to tell me it's her birthday, he only says something like "Hey, Join us on saturday for grill party" So i bring something to eat and couple of beers). I know B for quite short time but I know she can manipulate her really well because she is 4 years older then her. What would you do? What I should do? I'm waiting for her message but I don't think she will message me, so I'll propably let it go, but in other way. I'm thinking to message her once again in couple of weeks

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