And was it worth it?

  1. There’s difference between what I did that others would consider scary and something that scared me that others might not consider scary.

    Scariest thing for me: walking through infestations of cockroaches and bedbugs

    Scariest thing I did that others would consider scary but wasn’t for me (at the time): swim out into the open ocean while unknowingly bleeding

  2. Today hitting my ex woth my car while being remorseful about it I still thunk he deserved it

  3. First day of high school. I have some crazy anxiety and going into a school that had 18 year olds when I was 14 was beyond terrifying.

  4. Scuba dive with huge sharks, but Grey Nurse sharks, so look very viscious but harmless.

  5. Bang this chick I didn’t know who wanted to fuck at a party without a condom.

    Good month of panic.

  6. I drove my mom’s car with nearly-bald front tires during a pretty bad storm. I was going like 10 or 15 MPH under the speed limit, and I still hydroplaned halfway into the other lane or onto the shoulder every time the road curved. I couldn’t even hit the gas hard enough to maintain speed up a hill without breaking traction.

    It was just barely drizzling when I got on the highway. Once it really started raining a few minutes later, I took the next exit and sat in a parking lot until the rain stopped. A few weeks later, I made the same drive in even worse rain with brand new tires and I was totally fine, even going significantly faster than I had been with the bald tires.

    Before that happened, I “knew” that bald tires were bad (as in I had read/been told about it), but that day I really learned why.

  7. Switched seats with a woman.
    Less than an hour later she was killed in a truck wreck. Passenger side crushed and engulfed in flames. Driver had bruised ribs but he was fine.
    I had gone to ride in a different truck.

  8. I was doing drugs at the time. I used to do robitussin. I found the drug in robitussin in a pill form. I popped 26 of them at once. My friend said I stood up and started mumbling. Then I dropped to the floor like a rock. Woke up in a hospital and then passed out. Woke up in a mental hospital

  9. Stabalized a young girls spine in an overturned car with a leaking gas tank. Horrible rollover car wreck.

    She lived and only suffered minor spinal damage.

  10. Rode my 1600cc V-twin Cruiser down Mt Hood in a blizzard in March…storm came outta nowhere. Had to get down the mountain or spend the night in that shit.

  11. Got a combination of bj and hj from my gf while I was driving my car on a fairly busy road in broad daylight.

  12. Sheeeit, probably opened my arm up vertically from wrist to elbow with a blunt knife.

    Schizophrenia is one hell of a drug

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