Getting back together with my ex?

(Advice needed) I (M21) dated my high school sweetheart from when we were 14 to about 15, where she cheated on me and broke my heart. We somehow found each other again a year later ( I know yall already think this is a mistake – but it happened unfortunately) only to break up again as I was moving abroad for university at 18. we kept in touch by FaceTiming / texting ( once a month maybe ) – sorta flirty but we were definitely nothing more than friends then, this went on for 3 years. We are both currently on university break and came back home for the holidays and the obvious happened, we hooked up. But it was definitely more than that for the both of us, she wants to get back with me – but I’m not sure if I want to anymore- I only found out yesterday that she hooked up w a friend of mine ( weren’t as close at the time when they hooked up ) but we are now. And it’s really starting to bother me. I don’t see a way out where this situation wouldn’t bother me if we get back together. And I have doubts about long distance as she has cheated in a LDR before, however I think I should give her the benefit of the doubt because she was young? Idk. I really need advice – I’m certainly leaning towards not getting back together but at the same time I don’t want to come off as the guy just used her for rebound sex, because I didn’t – so maybe a way to communicate how or why we shouldn’t get back together ? Sorry for the rant !

TL;DR;: not sure if I need to get back with my ex/how to communicate that I don’t want to without sounding like a twat.

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