I (20F) lived in a very conservative, traditional christian home where no one talked about sex. My mother didn’t even tell me about my period and how it works nor did she explain to me how to wear a pad and forbade me from wearing tampons. I have a boyfriend (23M) who is much less conservative and traditional but christian.

He talks about sex and all so easily while I struggle to even say basic words like ‘dick’ ‘fuck’ ‘pussy’ etc. I am not as sex positive as he is and I wish to be more like him. I lost my virginity to him and when he asked how it was at the end I got so flustered and couldn’t respond. I used generic words and didn’t describe in detail what I liked and what I disliked.

I need recommendations on how to break out of my shell and become more sex positive. What shows, books or any other form of media can I look into to learn more? It actually doesn’t have to just be media form, any form would be appreciated.

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