Every Friday, just say whatever is in your mind in this post. It doesn’t need to be a question, and go on whatever tangent you want to go on.

We will still be enforcing our rules on gendered slurs, bigoted/disrespectful/hateful commentary, invalidation (if someone’s only contribution is telling others they are wrong), medical issues, and relationship advice. However the comments don’t need to be on a specific topic, and they don’t need to be open-ended questions.

~The AskWomen Mod Team

  1. Well, crap. Husband got diagnosed with Hodgkin’s Lymphoma today. World is falling on its side.

  2. i think i don’t want to be best friends with my best friend anymore. we were close growing up, lost contact for teenage years and then reconnected 6 years ago and she’s been my best friend since. but lately she’s just had so much going on and even though i’ve been there for her and helped her for all of it, i’m starting to feel really tired of being around the negative events occurring around her. i love her, it feels so draining to be around her.

  3. It’s like 1am and all I want to do is call my dad and tell him how much I miss him. Fuck cancer and fuck neglectful doctors.

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