I’m 28 male with about 15 prior sexual partners and 1 5 year relationship along with a 3 month relationship. Even among my peers this does seem pretty inexperienced. Online people think I’m boasting and point to the average statistic being 7-9 prior partners or something and that doesn’t make any sense to me. I know the majority of my female peers are well beyond 10 at this point.

I should have married my high school sweetheart instead of fucking around in college. I don't think about her often but she is now engaged to the guy that I lost her to. Now I’m going to be 30 and every woman I date is going to have like 35+ prior sexual partners and at least 1-2 relationships with a guy she is constantly comparing to. I'm just assuming this is something you have to accept now as you get older. To be clear I don't blame anyone for their choices and I don't care about the actual number per se (unless its crazy higher than mine) but its more of the feeling of getting older, realizing that women know they have dwindling power and are almost always settling at this stage. And during all this time during your 20s working on yourself or in a bad period of life, they were getting picked up by the hottest guys on tinder and getting smashed every weekend.

Men do not nearly have as many options until they are older. It took me a long time to get where I am at and I had to struggle with addiction to opiates as well as being bed ridden from a car accident taking me out of the game for about 4 years total. Add COVID into the mix and I’m already behind everybody else.

I don’t like the fact that throughout my 20’s I had to try to convince women to sleep with me and now close to 30 suddenly I’m worth something. Like you just went through a bunch of guys in your 20’s and now that your value is dropping NOW you want to settle with me because you’re looking to get married as soon as possible? They don't actually like me. They just want to get married to someone as soon as possible and I just happened to come along. Otherwise they would have been in a stable relationship for a longer period by now and not gotten physical with 30+ men.

Life in your 30's feels like worn out trash. Like everyone who was "good" got married already and were able to find someone. Everyone else is the leftover scraps for you to choose from. Just used up emotionally broken people. I don't understand the point of it.

Life is very sad and pathetic for the average man. I can see why people take the bl*ckpill

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