My boyfriend and I have amazing chemistry and have had mind blowing sex from the start. We have only been together for 5 months officially but have been sleeping together for longer (before we fell in love 🥰). He's very good at what he does 😏 but! We don't do it as often now and I feel ashamed of wanting it more often. Btw everything else is wonderful, I feel blessed to have him and I know sex is not everything but I find him incredibly attractive and want to connect physically with him.

The problems in my opinion are 1) his antidepressants lowering his libido and 2) the temperature where we live + his cardio. He's heat sensitive and it's been very hot, so much that whenever we do it, I'm afraid he is approaching a heat stroke. He also isn't doing that much cardio right now and he gets tired more quickly when I could continue for longer. Nothing crazy btw, I would say that happens about 5-10 min in! Before, in winter times, we would have amazing sex for 1:30-2:00 including foreplay.

Long story short, I've already communicated my needs and told him how I felt and how I don't want to push him and he says he feels bad he can't keep up at the moment.

My real question is : How, if you were my bf, would you like to work on that issue together? Should we do more sports together? What could I possibly do to do it more than 3 times a month. And also go back to long love making sessions! My favorites 🙂 Help a woman out.

EDIT : I got many great tips from you guys thank you

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