Last week my (22m) gf (22f) of 3 months and I were on ft together and things were normal before she suddenly started acting weird. She then said she had to go help a friend move stuff before hoping in her car and going. She brought me with her on fr until just before she got to her destination before hanging up I didn’t hear of her again for 2 hours. When she called back she was holding back tears and when I asked her about it she started crying and saying about how her friend said so many nice things about her to build her confidence and how they were on a walk together and that’s why she didn’t reply. Now I knew at the time she wasn’t on a walk but was in fact in her car parked on a very quiet road as we both have live360 together but despite the inconsistencies I never pressed the issue.

On Sunday I found out via seeing a text pop up on her phone that she had actually met her ex and was alone with him in the car. There were also texts of them sexting a little. Him mainly but she didn’t try and stop it and just sort of replied cookie cutter answers. Most of their messages were on Snapchat which i couldn’t see so I have no idea how long it’s been going on for. When I questioned her about it she denied it until I gave her concrete evident I knew. Before getting mad telling me to just leave her then if I didn’t trust her. Eventually she cried a bit called herself various hateful words but promised she didn’t do what i think they done and he was just looking money. (Her ex was abusive and manipulative)

She is now very remorseful and has showed me she’s blocked him but at this stage I don’t know what to believe and what not to. This morning i caught her in another lie over something that was of no importance so if she lies about things like that then is it even possible to rebuild trust?

I don’t want to leave her and things before this have literally been perfect, but i just don’t know what to think. I wish she would just be honest and I have no idea what’s true and what’s not true anymore.

TL:DR gf lied about where she was turned out to be in a car alone with her ex then lied when confronted about it

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