Say you were scrolling on Twitter, saw boobs in a Tweet and your boss or manager caught you. Are they allowed to fire you?

  1. Yeah, we have at will employment. So they don’t even need a reason to fire you. They just can. (Unless it’s for something protected of course)

    Plus social media in general is highly frowned upon during work hours in almost all workplaces (and fireable in some), unless you’re on your lunch or a break

  2. You can get fired for doing non-work related things on the Internet, not just looking at NSFW content.

  3. If it was something like you’re talking about, genuinely unintentional, there’s a lot of jobs that wouldn’t necessarily jump to fire a good employee over that. They could tho.

  4. Shiiiiiiiit. Are we talking field or office here? Because all of us dumb ol field employees would be canned yesterday… Now, you’d be a fool to look at nsfw stuff inside the office…

  5. What country are you in that you *don’t* get fired for looking at porn at work, Vatican City?

    For the most part, employers can fire you for anything at all as long as it’s not for illegal discrimination reasons (race, sex, veteran status, age over 40, and national origin, as I recall; might be missing one). Nearly any employer would fire you for looking at porn at work, even if you’re on break, because you’re on company premises and probably using company equipment and they have the right to police what you do when you’re on company property.

  6. Is it your job to look at Twitter? If not, you aren’t doing your job. This is such a young person question.

  7. There are degrees of NSFW and the tech being used matters.

    Get caught looking at porn at work? Expect to get fired. This is the likely outcome whether youre using your work computer or your personal phone.

    Looking at Twitter and a nude picture is in your feed? If on a work computer, you’re getting fired or written up. On your personal phone, you’ll most likely get a warning.

    Get caught multiple times and you’ll probably get fired.

    And it happens more than most people know.

  8. In theory they could, but you’re unlikely to get fired just for looking at a pair of boobs on your phone.

    The more likely scenario is that a person gets caught once and the manager says something like “Really? You’re doing that now? Come on man, put that away.”


    The person gets caught multiple times, isn’t doing their job because their too busy scrolling through /r/gonewild, or other people complain about them, then it leads to disciplinary action.

    The only time I’ve seen someone get fired immediately because of this was when a guy was watching porn at full volume on his phone with no earbuds in the break room.

  9. I knew a guy who looked at porn during overnight work hours at a TV station, they knew but couldn’t fire him because none of the other producers wanted the job, working from 10pm to 6am. It was at a small market ABC station that paid pretty bad, as those sorts of jobs go.

    The guy was a creep.

  10. Yeah. Most jobs are “at will” meaning they don’t really even need a reason as long as it’s not clearly discrimination.

    Looking at porn at work would be probably against most employers’ policies and would be sufficient reason to fire almost anyone

  11. They can fire you yea, but it depends where you work and who your supervisor or boss is

  12. I think there’s a big difference between accidentally scrolling upon something on social media on your
    phone versus actively looking up porn on your work computer. For the latter, I would absolutely get disciplined – and rightfully so

  13. Unless you have a good explanation (i.e. innocently surfing some site that had surprise NSFW content) then yeah, it could resort in termination.

  14. There’s a difference between passing a picture and actually pulling it up and watching it. But honestly you shouldn’t be on social media on computers at work anyway. That’s what phones are for. And if you’re using wifi they usually have “bad” sites blocked

  15. In the US there are only 2 reasons you can’t fire a person. First is that there is a work contract and terms of that contract have not been breached by the worker. Most work contracts are “at will” meaning they can be terminated at any time for any reason besides the second reason. Which brings me to the second reason you can’t fire a person. You can’t fire a person because of their race, color, religion, sex (including pregnancy, sexual orientation, or gender identity), national origin, age (40 or older), disability and genetic information (including family medical history).

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