I have really been avoiding dating for a long time now, the last few times I nearly got close to a relationship I kind of stopped talking to them , due to personal issues about being in relationships. I am trying to test the waters and maybe look for a potential wife or girl I could fall in love with, and am wanting to know if my height is in any way an advantage for me.

  1. That’s a very solid “tall” height. I would call “really tall” 6″4 and up, though.

  2. It’s a small advantage. Mostly, it’s that girls are put off by guys being shorter than they are (unless, they get to know them first and find out they’re terrific anyway).

  3. You are 6’2 but do you have garbage gamer posture? How is your physique? Yes being tall is an advantage, but it doesn’t matter if you are a fat slob, or a twig with shit posture. And of course once women start talking to you then your height won’t matter at all, just your personality at that point. You truly need it all.

  4. If all you have to offer is that you’re 6’2″ that’s not going to get you very far

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