Confidence around women is something I've struggled with all my life but lately it's become increasingly worse and I'm not really sure what to do

As we've all heard 1000 times, go to the gym, get jacked and it'll improve your confidence and dating life by miles. Well I kind of took this a bit far. I've been told Im far too big and turn women off by having too much muscle.

I'm 25 now and remember trying tinder 5 or so years ago with 1 photo of me at 20% body fat sitting on my bed taking a selfie from below, further increasing how fat I looked and from memory I had 40-50 matches. Now I try it with a few photos, definitely not high quality but one out with friends at a restaurant, one of my physique, one of me by myself in a bar, so not TOTALLY terrible and I have had 3 matches in a month.

Unfortunately bodybuilding has become a bit of a passion of mine and I'm not going to intentionally lose muscle and get weaker so more girls find me attractive, but I really don't know what else to do. I've always been shy and struggled with approaching but now after being told what people think of me and how unattractive I actually am I can't even fathom approaching anymore

It's gotten so bad that when I used to make regular eye contact with girls I was attracted to id get kind of nervous and excited and got a few butterflies thinking damn I could actually have a chance here. But I don't get any of those feelings anymore. Approaching has now become so unfathomable that I don't get any excitement or nerves because I know I'm not going to approach.

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