On mobile so cant type war and peace. My fiancée has been pressing me to continue wedding planning, and bringing up timescales for our 2nd child (we have a gorgeous baby boy. The thing is, she's been neglectful of my need for a long time.

When we first got together we're used to talk about sex, text about sex, snapchat about sex and plans for eachother. Over time, it's all disappeared. Heres the thing though. Its not just sex, as of today it has been a week since has laid a hand on me. No hugs, no kisses, no cuddles, nothing.

I know hormones from breastfeeding really destroy a woman's sex drive, but I'm not asking for sex. She knows my love language, she understands how much it means to me. This never translates into action. These issues MASSIVELY predate having a baby, so it's not a valid reason in my mind.

I wrote down all my feelings in a letter, how i feel, evidence based examples, and how she can show me more affection (without necessarily just having sex). Thing is, how do i giveit to her? Just hand it fresh off the printer? She wants to talk wedding plans on our next date night, truthfully, i can't continue this relationship in its current form.

I feel so deprived of love, its awful. I know she loves me, but i just don't feel loved in the way that i need. Its hard to bring up "more sex please" as a Male. I just read as horny.

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