Just got my wisdom teeth pulled out today, all four. It is really painful.

But, I [19M] was introduced to this very young woman who was fucking gorgeous. I have had two gfs already in my past teenage life and am not bad at talking to girls. But holy heck, I can’t stop thinking about her and have never felt this way over someone. I literally froze when she first came out to see me and bring me in for the procedure. [She was just a nurse and not the surgeon.] I didn’t remember her name but I do remember lots of touch, a good conversation, and her eyes. It felt like a movie.

Reddit, I don’t want to seem like a simp or a loser. This is my first post on this subreddit and I had to tell someone because I have been holding this in.
I will go back in 2 weeks for a checkup and will hopefully see her again, should I shoot my shot? [ you only live once right?]

  1. Just do it. You’ll have more regret not asking than asking and getting turned down. Also, I think it would be cute if you were like “I was so taken aback by how cute you were but I was too afraid to ask for your number then” I think she’d like that. But don’t be creepy lol

  2. Do not bother this woman. She is at her job, part of which means being personable with patients. I understand it is tempting, but I can promise you that this will happen again. And if you really want to do it, at least have another dentist lined up beforehand.

  3. >I don’t want to seem like a simp or a loser.

    You know what it is so stop doing that. Stop putting her on a pedestal lol

    If you’re gonna shoot your shot, do it the final day in case shit goes south, otherwise you would’ve done it already if you were confident to begin with.

  4. She’s working, her job is to be personable. Also, if she’s working as a dental assistant, she’s at least 25 years old.

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