I am a 32M and my girlfriend(31F) have been together for 3 years now(1.5 years living together).
She always was more of a introverted person and I am a bit more extroverted.

The first problem we have is that she barely communicates:
– How was your day? ( I ask)
– Fine
And like this every single day. I the beginning she was more talkative and would tell me more things but not now. Another thing, when she is stressed or not feeling okay I ask, are you okay few times, she replies, yes yes. After few hours/days she explodes and start crying telling me the problem.

Last problem we have is lack of sex: Sex in the beginning was good but after some time we started doing it once every 2 weeks or more. Now it's just oral with no PIV. We have been trying to have PIV but she gets nervous for some reason and we are unable to do it. I think it's vaginismus but she doesn't want to go to the doctor, I have been trying to convince her a few times but no success.
I think the base of a relationship is good communication and sex. Although sex is important but not more than communication and we are lacking in this aspects. How should I handle it?

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