What kind of tattoos you consider to be an indication of “bad taste”? Design wise and or location wise

  1. Anything you wouldn’t put in a letter to your (or someone’s) grandma, from curse words to sexual images.

    I don’t think any locations are in bad taste per se, it depends on the design. People always bring up lower back tattoos as “tramp stamps” but I think that’s a dumb generalization. Not for everyone, but not “bad taste” just because it’s located there. If someone wants to get a tattoo on their crotch or around their butthole it’s their choice, as they won’t be on display anyway.

  2. Depends on what you mean by bad taste. I would consider hateful, racist, Nazi, homophobic, bigoted, pedophilic, etc. tattoos in bad taste regardless of design or location.

    If you just mean, “not to my tastes” then I don’t really judge other people’s art choices that way. They chose to decorate their body with something they enjoy. As long as it isn’t inappropriate and hateful, I’m not going to concern myself with our different taste levels.

    That said, bellybutton tattoos of buttholes are a strong deterrent for me though the people who love them are welcome to have them.

  3. Tribal tattoos on a middle-aged white guy, especially if it’s on the lower back aka “tramp stamp.” Sorry, Chad, but you’re not fooling anyone with that basic ink.

  4. Almost anything of size above the collar.

    Tattoos of blatant nudity, vulgar language, etc. on areas of the body that will be frequently visible.

  5. Ones you can tell were clearly done cheaply.. people need to pay someone who knows what they’re doing, not just look for a cheap deal. People who get their significant other’s names on them, I consider this is an omen. And anyone who gets racist, homophobic or hate filled tattoos or tattoos of horrible criminals. Outside of that, I consider most tattoos to be a cool expression of art.

  6. Anything racist/homophobic etc.

    Tattoos below the neck are wonderful. From the neck up, they just scream trashy

  7. The one where a cat is on your abdomen and your belly button is its asshole.

    Pic of one, although I gotta say this is one of the most vagina-like navels I have ever seen. As you can see, everything about this just screams classy.


  8. The ones where people get them “upside down”, so that they’re technically facing the wearer.

    There was a girl I know in HS. Her first tattoo was a bow on her forearm, but it was long ribbon end was closer to her elbow while the bow end was near her wrist… it looked terribly awkward.

  9. Every location is fine; bad taste is only things like hate speech or hate symbols, or stuff exploiting or referencing exploiting minors.

  10. Tattoos of gross images like gory scenes from horror movies, hardcore sex/BDSM (an artist near me seems to specialize in bondage tats), giant logos for sports teams or other franchises.

  11. Rose, clock, lion and monster logo. The trashiest people get these and they look horrible.

  12. Tiny tattoos on large body parts look trashy to me. Like a little flower is cute on your wrists or feet or whatever, but a little 1-2″ flower on your back just looks trashy

  13. I dated a guy a while back with the trifecta of bad tattoos: tribal, kanji with a generic positive message, and a pentagram.

    So, definitely all of those I guess

  14. All tattoos. To each their own but I dislike tattoos and I could never understand why someone would want to mark their skin forever. I enjoy variety in fashion and make up and I love when I can look casual for a sports afternoon one day and classy on a date night in the opera the next day and I would never put something on myself I can’t remove. And whenever I see an otherwise beautiful woman in a gorgeous evening gown and she has really bad fading tattoos all over her body, I can’t understand why anyone would do this to themselves.

  15. I’m not personally into the sticker approach where there’s lots of them in different places, some of them quite close, but they don’t actually connect with each other.

    But that’s just my personal taste, people can do what they like with their own bodies, and are welcome to dislike my taste in tattoos which probably steers a bit vanilla.

  16. Knuckles, hands, neck, lower back (tramp stamp), or face. 

    Crappy quality (does it look like a five-year-old drew it with a Bic pen?), Asian characters on non-Asian people, barbed wire, anything super overdone and unoriginal (like every American in Okinawa has to get some cherry blossoms tattooed on themselves).

  17. Frankly, all of them. Some are definitely worse than others, but I’m not a fan of tattoos in general.

  18. not my body, not my business.

    the only obvious exception to this rule would have to be tattoos that aim to offend, endanger, or oppress specific groups of people. (i.e. swastikas, confederate flags, pedophilic symbolism, etc…)

  19. – the obvious: bigoted and violent symbols

    – highly visible tattoos with sexual or gory motives

    – sports teams’ or brand logos (though I think it is possible to show allegiance and make it not look stupid)

    – practical joke tattoos on people that aren’t heavily tattooed otherwise. For instance I once saw a woman who had a whale tail (a string peaking out of your jeans) tattooed on her body.

  20. Face tattoos, name of their partner (eww), tattoos that are very popular with a…specific group of people, to the point they’re pretty much a red flag indicator (lion with clock/rose/cross is a classic example).

    Any tattoo very badly done. If someone decided to get something permanently inked on their body and they didn’t bother to spend the time and money on an actual good artist, it tells me a lot about them. Of course, if they knew it’s gonna be shitty and were fine with it, that’s different, I mean mostly people who did 0 research and just got a tattoo at a shady place, expecting a masterpiece for 50 bucks.

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