Does anybody else just struggle to find friends? I for the life of me cannot figure out what i’m doing wrong. Be aware this post might seem like a bit of a rant. I have 3 really great friends, but I only feel this when we’re hanging out. For the most part they never invite me to things but we have the greatest times when we do hang out. They never text me or even send a tiktok from time to time. I guess i’m ok with the fact we don't communicate a lot, but i’d rather it’s not the case. I don't use snap or instagram really so maybe that’s why? But it took me nearly 4 years to find these friends at my school. Even at work, I feel like I cannot connect to anybody. Everyone else seems to be having a great time interacting with each other but i’m always the quiet one. I guess what i’m asking is has anybody cracked the code on being the likable character that people want to work a shift with or ask to hangout with more often?

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