Hi, im 20, currently dating a guy thats a few months younger than me (theres a lot of details to this story but i'll summarize it)
So heres the thing, we have have known eachother for 8 months, at first he took interest in me because he found me pretty, i told him from the beginning i wanted to only get to know him as a friend since i find that friendship is a very important foundation for a relationship,
After 2 months of talking i figured that it was better to keep it as friends so we stayed friends…
2 months ago, he started being very attentive to me, he made sure i ate, he would bring me water at work and or coffee, helps me, drives me place i have to go, buys me food etc, and it was those details that made me start liking him, also hearing him talk about his take on relationships, and in general we had the same kind of humor and we really feel at ease in eachothers presence, or well at least i feel very at ease with him, i confessed my feelings and we started dating shortly after
He is pretty much a person that likes a lot of physical contact, so i thought that with time i'd start opening up physically to him because i love giving physical contact to my girlfriends, but its been 2 months and i even feel irritated when he tries to hug me or kisses me too much (also ever since we were intimate once when we were kinda tipsy the sexual chemistry have changed and i dont feel as attracted or ready again to open up sexually to him)
I feel sad, because theres a lot of things about him that i like, i really appreciate the person that he is, i dont wanna hurt him.
But i find that hes not completely my type physically, and lately that has started bothering me… idk what to do.
I think maybe i should break things off with him, or maybe wait till the sexual attraction that there was comes again… or if i only have to make the concious decision to accept his physical love… idk what to do, if im the problem, i really dont wanna hurt him, because once again, i appreciate him as a person, and all the things he does for me, but im simply not reciprocating and i want to do things right, or maybe understand why im acting this way.

Also, im sorry if its all over the place, English is not my first language
Maybe its important to note that lately ive had fallouts with a lot of people, so im very untrusting of others, i even started feeling a little uncomfortable with people i consider my close/ best friends

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