I’ve never brought up other guys around him and have been too busy with my career to be dating multiple people so what gives?

  1. Insecurities and hopes that you will say “I’d never see another man when I’m with you”

    Or he just can’t believe that someone like you dates someone like him (also insecurities)

    Or he wants you to date other people and this is his way of breaking up with you.

    Take your pick!

  2. bc he is being insecure. i’ve dealt with that at times myself and guys like that aren’t worth it bc they should trust and respect the fact you want them. i personally find it insulting for guys to insinuate that type of behavior about me bc i know i’m not that person so don’t try to project that personality trait onto me if that makes sense

  3. Jokes tend to stem from insecurity a lot of the times. Either he is okay and kidding around or he is not and doesn’t really know how to deal with it.

  4. Your actions seem to indicate to him that you’re not there even when you’re there. Maybe the dude’s insecure, or maybe he doesn’t like being treated like an accessory.

  5. He is insecure that how the hell did he actually land a pretty girl

  6. It all depends if you were sleeping with each other, may want to protect himself, that would be my main reason.

    But I would only asked that one time. And yes there are insecurities, if he continuously, brings it up. Maybe once or twice is okay but after it can become a problem. Just ask him why does he even ask.

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