Way earlier this year, another friend i have was really big into re-contacting and making friendships with people that we went to elementary school as me and her happended to of went to the same elementary school but i had to go to a different school than she did.

I remember who he was, he was a friend i used to have and talk with, and I haven’t really talked with him since like 2016-2015 so it would be awkward to be like “Hey, idk if you remember me but i sure remember you” or something like that. I forgot that i sent him a friend request as at the time my other friend was invested in this idea so I thought why not?. Fast forward, and me and her realized that most didn’t like to be bothered and we respected that. He added me back on Sunday night, and i didn’t want to wait too long as it would be weird to friend request someone and not say anything in this instance.

I’m mainly having a issue with knowing what to say to him since i havent talked to him in nearly 10 years, and we only knew eachother in elementary school but I thought it would’ve been cool just to talk a bit and be friendly since he accepted a old request that i sent in August that i forgot about sending.

Tldr; I (17M) don’t know how to talk to a old friend (17M) that accepted a old friend request since its been almost 10 years since i talked to him and that i forgot i sent on FB in August 2021.

1 comment
  1. I think a simple “hey man, how are you doing these days?” is fine. He may be slightly suspicious at first that you want something (people from your past life that randomly message you are often wanting something) but he should relax if you just tell him you want to catch up.

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