The guy I am with for 2 months decided to end our situationhip because I lied.

I lied to him twice ( supposedly we will see each other earlier than usual, but I made excuses that I am busy which I am not) First instance was when I told him that I got invited into a family dinner, but it was all an alibi just to buy some time for myself because I was tired from school and 2nd when I was sick and he told me he will visit me, but I told him that friends are coming over to visit me which a lie because I was just alone at my place sleeping ( by this time he already arrived at the city and waited for 4 hours to get a confirmation from me that he can finally come to my place).

When he arrived at my place, he started questioning me like do you have proofs that they were here (which technically i don't have and I cannot show anything to him). He started telling me that oh yeah maybe you went out to see other guys or you had someone here earlier which led me to admit that I lied. I did ask for forgiveness and he said that he is not angry and no hurt feelings at all as long as there's no other party.

I was under the impression that we were okay, but then the next day he did not text or chat so I reached out first and did ask him why and he started telling me that he cannot forget what I did and to cut the story short, I tried to win him back, I said sorry and that I will change and will not do it again, but he said that he cannot trust me anymore.

I was devastated because when I was to give up before because he has this tendency of not caring about my emotionally being and repeatedly brought his past FWBs majortiy of our conversation (not just once). He told me that if we are tired then we can rest, but no one will give up. I reminded him about those lines hoping for something, but he said that he cannot trust me anymore and wants to end it.

I decided to let go.I am hoping for him to reach out, but I really can't understand why he can't forgive me at all or maybe there's a new one.

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