How do you feel about double texting?

  1. Him double texting me: he misses me đŸ„°đŸ„°đŸ„°

    Me double texting him: 😣 I’m being so annoying

  2. I do it all the time. And triple and quadruple. I generally just always assume that someone who I’m messaging just was busy and hasn’t gotten back to me yet. So if I have new things to say, I just let loose and figure they seem them when they see them.

  3. Double texting is the stupidest thing for anyone to care about. These dumb social “norms” contribute to an overly anxious society when it comes to social interaction. Ughh.

  4. I don’t see a problem with it. My friends, me and husband do it all the time and don’t see one another as Clingy. I just add on to the texts, so I don’t forget about it later.

    Edited to add- there’s more important things to worry about than double texting.

  5. I don’t care at all. Life is too short to play hard to get. It only becomes a problem if someone is blowing up my phone constantly with dozens and dozens of texts all in a row, but that’s only happened once.

  6. i double text all the time so it’s really just normal for me. i use to feel annoying but when messaging the right person i will double maybe even triple text or more 😂

  7. Humiliating for myself bc girl why am I being annoying asf but then when they do it it’s likeeeee omg my fav thing ever 😝

  8. Honestly not a massive fan but a lot of my friends communicate like that, just multiple messages in a row

    I’d rather they type out one long message but I don’t care enough to actually mention it

  9. Assuming you’re talking about him double texting me; If I like him yes, if not then no it just becomes annoying. But if you’re talking about the woman double texting, unless yall are close it’ll make you look desperate. If he likes you he won’t mind but if he doesn’t you’ll definitely look desperate to him

  10. If I’m texting family or good friends I literally don’t care. People are busy and can’t always be at their phones 24/7. However if you’re double (triple, quadruple, etc) texting people who are shitty, you’re probably just talking to yourself and it’s pointless. It’s usually pretty easy to tell when people want you in their lives or not.

  11. Sometimes it’s annoying when a person could send one or two texts but instead sends five little ones. Like I’m trying to read the first one here. Give me a second before you continue your thought.

  12. I don’t think anything about it. I text when I want to communicate something. If that means 2 in a row, so be it.

    I only care about double texting when the double texts are basically harassing me to answer them. If it’s new information that they needed to share, then it’s fine. If it’s, “why aren’t you answering me?” or “so you aren’t going to respond?” or some other bullshit like that, then I definitely don’t want to interact with them now.

  13. It’s my preferred way to text with people I know. Punctuation feels too formal so separate messages kind of do the job of punctuation.

    I do feel awkward in a dating situation.

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