What are some other good words to use besides nice?

  1. Not at fucking all dude and I’m tired of society making everything men say or do a sexual advance towards women. Say what you want respectfully. “Have a lovely night” is NOT sexual in anyway and any woman who starts crying that it is is attention seeking.

  2. “lovely” does have a more intimate feeling. i would be mindful who i said that to

  3. i’ve never minded hearing “lovely” from someone in the context of wishing someone a good evening/night. it just reminds me of friendly grandmas

    if you’re concerned about it though you can just say pleasant or “enjoy your evening” or something like that

  4. Like with many other things in social situations, its only as awkward as you make it. If you feel like you’re doing something weird, your nervousness is going to spill out in your behaviour/tone and its going to make it weird. Do things confidently. If you say it like it’s normal, people will play along.

  5. “Have a fucking awesome night.”


    “Sleep naked”


    “Have fun grinding on someone!”



  6. No that’s fine. Maybe if you said it with weird enunciations on lovely and then gave eyebrow raises lol but that’s totally normal

  7. I think it’s alright. It’s the same sounding as calling something “lovely”.

    “Oh that’s lovely!”
    “What a lovely sunset!”

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