Ladies who are working from home, how is it going? Has it impacted your mental health?

  1. It’s been great for my mental health but not great for my posture. I don’t have the discipline to sit at my desk all day and inevitably move to my couch to work in the afternoon. Not great for my neck or back

    But I don’t have to make small talk with people, commute or buy expensive lunches, so that’s a lot better. I also dont have to “pretend” to work when things are slow, i can do stuff around the house or even, god forbid, go for a walk. Also no pressure to go to work social events or get drinks after work. I love having my freedom back in that sense. Tbh it’s been like chicken soup for my introvert soul and allows me to spend more time with my kids and family, so I love it.

  2. I work from home all day I have a stand up desk so I can stand through out the day
    I’m not glued to my desk and I can put a load of clothes in the wash. Take breaks. Workout at lunch. Clean my house. I’ve enjoyed it
    I do miss socializing with my coworkers
    I have good days and bad days with my mental health. But I make sure that when it’s time to end the workday I turn my computer off and not worry about anything until the next day. But for the most part my mental health is good. I get seasonal depression with winter weather but as soon as that sun is out and 70degrees I don’t worry about anything.

  3. Honestly I love it. I save money on gas, get to spend time with my dog, I can work in bed if I feel like it. I’m an introvert so it works out well, but I’ll admit sometimes it does effect my mental health not going into the office and being around people occasionally (even for an introvert). My office is downtown so I prefer not driving there and paying for parking.

  4. It’s good. I am too sedentary, so I have to force myself to go on walks, bike, do curl-ups, etc.

    I enjoy wearing pajamas. And the time saved from not having to get ready or commute to work is precious. I also save a lot of money for lunch, because I used to always buy lunch, but now I just make myself something simple to eat in my own kitchen.

    I’m actually pretty burnt out right now (nothing to do with working from home) but it’s due to having both work and school being full-time. I need to switch one of them back to part-time.

  5. I love it. I don’t have to get up super early anymore to avoid morning traffic. I’ve saved so much because I used to eat out a lot during lunch. Also with high gas prices, I’ve been able to save a lot more too.

  6. Yes, I’m working from home for a couple years now. It’s done wonders for my mental health!

  7. I enjoy working from home because I don’t have to talk with other people. I love my Husband very much but I just wish he would understand that taking care of kids is also a difficult job too.

  8. I’m ambivalent. I miss office small talk, as there’s no one to talk to during lunch, and messaging electronically feels like wasting time. I like avoiding the ~30 minute commute, but I miss how it would break up my day. I do gaming and digital art as hobbies, but I don’t enjoy staying on the computer after an 8-hour work day… which luckily they’re strict about sticking to 40 hours/week. Also I like my fidgets.

    I graduated during the pandemic and have not worked in the office at all. I lived with family instead of moving closer to work… which has its pro’s (seeing family, saving money) and con’s (not having enough independence). Idk which I’ll end up liking more.

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