Need advise, i’ve been with my bf for 4 years, the past year and a half i’ve been having a stabbing pain on both sides of lower stomach doing almost every position except doggy (sometimes doggy) i’ve had previous partners prior to him and never had this problem and even in the beginning of the relationship i didn’t have it. He isn’t going too rough, and i am wet so it’s not that issue. I was thinking i maybe had ovarian cysts or fibroids or something. But i have no other symptoms, don’t have cramps after sex, my periods are very normal and i rarely get cramps. I just don’t know what to do bc it’s starting to become an issue. Has anyone experienced this?

  1. You should 100% speak to a gynecologist. They are able to give you much better advice than reddit, planned parenthood is inexpensive and pretty quick with appointments.

    Edit to add: you can also look at a sex therapist or pelvic floor therapist, if there’s nothing medically wrong these are two great options.

    If your partner is quite blessed then it can be painful as the length of a vaginal canal is only 4-5 inches (and can lengthen slightly with arousal). This can cause pain when the penis is hitting the cervix, so limiting the length that is penetrating can provide relief. Also going slow and light can make it less painful in my experience.

  2. Sorry to hear about your pain. It’s best to consult a healthcare provider to rule out any underlying issues. They can help diagnose and suggest solutions since you mentioned all sex positions hurt. is your bf penis thick and long?

  3. Definitely go to the doctor. I had similar problems with painful entry and it turned out I had a yeast infection

  4. Was also having problems like this for about the same duration and just went to the gynecologist. They did STD and BV swabs and a pelvic exam. Could be a number of things so definitely get it checked out!

  5. Please see a doctor. Ovarian cyst pain generally won’t feel like uterine cramps because your ovaries are separate from your uterus. It could also be gastrointestinal, a genitourinary issue, pelvic inflammatory disease (PID), etc.

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