Hi there!

Welcome to our daily scheduled post, the Daily Slow Chat.

If you want to just chat about your day, if you have questions for the moderators (please mark these [Mod] so we can find them), or if you just want talk about oatmeal then this is the thread for you!

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The mod-team wishes you a nice day!

  1. What is the best gas station food item near you? Bonus points if it is unique to your country/region/city.

  2. GB has reached 100 Paralympics medals! They’re doing incredibly well. Germany is nowhere to be seen at the top 10. It’s a bit sad. I mean medals don’t matter so much, but it kind of shows that they’re not really giving enough support to paralympic athletes. 

    My cat is turning full on vegan, I think. He loved grass and olives anyway, and now he’s discovered oat milk. I only give him a tiny bit, but he loves it. He doesn’t drink the regular cat milk, doesn’t eat fish or liver. Weird. 

    Today I am trying to choose between going to a traditional handicrafts festival and a fireworks competition. Fireworks sounds cooler, but will be harder to get back home late at night. Let’s see.

    ETA: I saw that Germany isn’t actually doing that bad in the Paralympics. I think I was overly harsh. They have 39 medals! Sorry, Germany.

  3. Just got off a transatlantic flight and really should probably go to bed but I still have to wait for my connecting flight to Berlin (and then S-Bahn to my hotel) before I can do that.

    I swear to God, I’d say like 70% of that plane was watching Harry Potter while a further 20% were watching some incredibly-boring looking biopic about Jacques Chirac’s wife. How could I possibly have been the only person on the flight watching Furiosa?

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