So last night I come home from work like I always do, bring my phone upstairs put it straight on the charge. go downstairs brush my teeth get ready for bed. Get a drink put some clothes in the dryer that I didn’t get to do prior to that day. While I’m downstairs doing all of this and getting ready for bed, I can hear my phone ringing just constantly off the hook like constantly I come up to see that I have 26 missed phone calls after 15 minutes of being home. I answer with attitude and I said why are you calling me so many times. He proceeds to run his mouth and then hangs up on me. OK cool I’m going to bed then bye
I wake up at 7 o’clock this morning to my phone blowing up again by him. this time 21 missed phone calls. I realize he showed up at my house, drove six hours from Virginia. We go upstairs we lay down. everything is great, we snuggle, kiss, hug. we wake up around 10: 30 11 and I ask him if he’s hungry, I offered to go pick up pizza and make pizza for lunch. I come home after picking up the pizza and he’s gone. Like am I supposed to care? Why the fuck drive all the way here for nothing and pretend like nothing’s wrong just to break up with me? He texted me and said he was done. lol okay me too. But I didn’t care to drive 6 hours to pretend everything fine and just leave 🤣😂
My point is don’t date someone hours away esp a grown ass man that acts 5 years old. His response was I don’t want to bother you no more 😂🤣 okay thanks man

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