i have this problem where i sweat super easily and a lot too. today was probably one of the worst days as it was hot and humid despite it only being 8 in the morning. i had showered and put on deodorant and cologne before school ( i put on cologne when going to school because when i was middle school these two girls said my hoodie smelled like food and they would sniff and laugh to each other about it. since then ive always sprayed my clothes and even backpack in fear of smelling). i had walked to school and i was already pretty hot and sweating a little but there was this huge line. they wanted students to enter through metal detectors and they only had one security guard doing it. i knew this would be bad for me so i had to cut the line and hid behind a group who was already cutting. this didn’t help as the line still went slow and i started to get even hotter. before i knew it i was sweating and i could feel it drop down my back and armpits.

i finally entered the building and heard some stuff members say something about “…he was jogging to school”. i didn’t know who they were talking about and rushed to a bathroom so i could cool off because i couldn’t enter class like this. when i got to the bathroom i realized i was fully sweating and it was bleeding through my uniform. i felt sick knowing id have to go the whole day like this so i cooled off as best as i could and head to class. my first two classes were pretty hot so i knew id end up sweating eventually. these classrooms just don’t have AC for some reason. how a classroom doesn’t have AC and went all this time without being fixed, ill never know.

since i sweat so much i had feared that i smelled pretty bad. despite what i did to make sure i didnt stink this morning, i still felt like i did. i couldn’t really smell anything but my cologne and deodorant and my nose isn’t very good. when i asked my friend he said that’s my must and i do stink. i felt so nervous standing next to people. sometimes when i was next to people id see them run the top of their nose or just full on rub it. at that point i knew i had smelled bad and felt like crying but i couldn’t just leave class and go home. people still say next to me and some didnt run their noses and move away from like i smelled but maybe i did and they just decided not to react. i got home and asked my mom if i smelled and she said my uniform shirt smelled like outside and my hoodie smelled like my cologne. i had my hoodie on the entire time during school to hide the fact that my shirt had sweat marks. but also i had to walk back home and i had sweat way more than when i was walking to school. my shirt could’ve recently started smelling off or it could’ve been smelling off all day. did i really smell or were those few people who had rubbed their noses at times just pure coincidence. i don’t know how ill go to school tomorrow knowing that i sweat and everybody saw and i probably smelled bad infront of a girl i like too.

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