How much time do you and your partner spend together each week? Is it enough for you?

  1. Pretty much most of the time we’re not at work. So all weekend and from around 4 onwards in the week. We’re free to take time for ourselves if we want but have plenty together 

  2. Any time when we aren’t scheduled to be at work or somewhere else individually is usually spent together which is what we enjoy and prefer. We spend most of our free time together each week.

  3. We’re long distance, so often none. We video call occasionally, maybe once a month. I’d prefer a lot more video time but it is what it is.

  4. If we’re awake and he’s not at work, we’re spending every minute together. Only time we’re not is every other weekend he grocery shops for our landlord by himself (don’t worry, we charge the landlord for it lol)

    edit: I wish we didn’t have to sleep and he didn’t have to work. I would love to spend every single second w him.

  5. Pretty much all our free time. We do things without each other, but we much rather be with each other. We’re best friends. I wish we had more time together in the evenings after work though.

  6. Like 10 or more hours a day. We live together, he works at home, and I’m at home studying most of the time too. Our computers are quite literally next to each other in the living room, so close we can hold hands while on our respective PCs. We aren’t interacting the whole time, we’re doing our own things, but we show each other funny or interesting things, or have the occasional conversation. It’s nice having him around so much while still doing my own thing.

  7. During the week (mon-fri) around 5 hours and weekends we spend the whole day together. It’s enough, I miss him during the week sometimes but he is working and I have my responsibilities as well.

  8. Right now, not a lot and I can’t stand it. He is in law enforcement and does swing shifts. So he just went back to 7p-7a.
    I work 8:30a-5p. We both live an hour from our jobs.
    Right now, we see each other sometimes 60 minutes out of the entire week.
    It is not enough for me. I am a very sexual/intimate woman.
    It sucks so bad but this day and age you have to work your life away just to make ends meet especially with children.

  9. Most of the time. He works from home. I am a stay at home mom.

    I love that about our life. I love having him around.

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