hello me and my girlfriend have been dating a couple months and its going ok but due to some personal things im not going to get into i had to change schools and my girlfriend already hates the fact im going to that school and ontop of that she insisted that i make no friends and dont socialize with anyone at said school to give context its an alternative school which doesnt have the best of people in it but my girlfriend also demands i dont hang out with people she doesnt approve of which is pretty much everyone i know except for 2 people

now i have noticed that my girlfriend has really bad insecurity issues and i do my best to try and help her through them but my girlfriend hates any and all women in my life which i understand to a certain extent but she has severed my relationship with people who were genuine friends of mine because she deemed them "not good for you" or "bad juju"

she also demanded that i hand over my phone whenever im with her and she must have all of my passwords and when i try to bring up i dont like her having all of my passwords she shuts the conversation down and says that the only reason i'd not want her to see my messages was if i was cheating on her

i just want some advice because im pretty lost right now if anyone has anything to add that would be appreciated

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