My husband is from SC where his entire family smokes cigarettes and he has been smoking since 14y/o. We live in NY and decided many years ago we would quit. A. It smells terrible. B. It’s horrible for you and we want to be around for each other and C. Newports are like $16/pack! I did, I quit smoking and he kept saying he will try…. He had surgery in March and had quit for 3 months but as soon as his mom came to town for a visit she brought him cartons of Newports from SC. He went right back to a pack a day habit.
We are currently on family vacation and his mom brought him a carton that he smoked in 6 days!!! She sounds like she is hacking up a lung constantly and she asks him to go out with her to chain smoke every hour or so. I’m so frustrated. I love my mother in law so much and my heart breaks for her that she is constantly choking, coughing and gasping for air but I don’t want that for my husband. I’m at a loss on how to support him. I know first hand as a previous smoker that bugging and nagging has the reverse effect. I don’t want to lose my husband too soon.

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