This is not a very dramatic story, but I need some advice or for people to say if I am being too dramatic. My BF has a habit I don't appreciate and it is pushing me to the point I am thinking of breaking up with him. So this weekend we were supposed to be going on a romantic getaway just the two of us as we haven't spent quality time in a while. It was his idea and I was looking forward to it. He attended a Birthday party on Friday and got wasted and did not go to sleep till late. He did not reply to any of my texts or let me know when he got back home. On Saturday afternoon he finally texted me back not even mentioning our plans. I waited a bit and then asked if we were still meeting up. He said we were just in the evening and started making excuses as to why. I understand it happens but I just wish he would have told me as soon as he knew. It is not the first time he has done this. He always promises me we will do something as I miss you before he meets or goes somewhere and when the day comes he kinda disappears until the evening If I am lucky or he will wait till evening to let me know we are no longer meeting up. I messaged him that I was looking forward to this outing and it makes me feel like he does not respect my time as I could have made different plans for my weekend if I knew and he just said we will talk tomorrow. I feel like this is not working out but I am too attached to him so I need some advice on if I am just being too demanding or if I am right on him not respecting my time.

  1. “I understand it happens”

    I don’t. I don’t even know what ‘it’ is. Will you explain more fully?

  2. The purpose of dating is to see if it’s a good fit.

    I realize you’re both young and “oops” party stuff happens and hangovers are no joke. But he routinely does this plan bait and switch thing with you. It’s no accident. He does not value your time. And you’re making it too easy for him by even making a plan in the first place or showing up for the “evening”.

    If you feel like you’re being used for sex and he isn’t interested in much else, it’s because that’s how he’s treating you.

    I dunno. If you were my daughter, I’d tell you that this guy just isn’t that into you. And even if he is, he sure isn’t treating you well, knows it, and is making no effort to do better and thus, is not a good fit.

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