I (37F) began dating again this past June after taking about 2 years off. I’ve been single close to 3 years and these past 2 years I spent really learning about myself and not rushing to be with someone.

I’ve had a few interesting dates, a few good ones with no seconds dates, and last week a really good date. He planned and confirmed/checked in before the date. We had a great time.

He contacted me a few days after the date and we’ve been texting about 1-2 times a day since then. He asked me on a second date Thursday of this past week for next week.

We didn’t talk yesterday but I did realize he’s been reaching out more than I have (realized earlier this week) so I’ve tried to hit him with some texts and I’ve def shown interest.

Just to share, I’ve met some people who liked to text almost non stop. As a woman, I like the consistency but I’ve grown to learn you really don’t know someone before the date, or even after a few dates. Text really should be for planning dates and every day texts shouldn’t be expected.

The first guy I met since I got back out there was talking about me moving in within a week of us meeting 🤣It just felt too manic …

I know that men deal with the same crap as women. Women who are confusing, send mixed signals, act like they have options galore etc but I truly genuinely want to meet a good guy, get to know each other and have fun and build up from there. My end goal is relationship but I’m not leading with that mindset going into anything because then you are chasing an end result with anyone you mean.

I say all this because as a woman I don’t mind if we aren’t texting every day. We’ve only gone on one date. No one owes me anything .. I know he’s interested in me because he reached out.. he’s planned … he is free to do as he pleases

When you like a woman, how often after date 1 do you feel has worked for you to reach out in between date 2? Have you ever had women be grumpy about lack of contact between dates ?

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