My boyfriend (39m) and I (33f) have been dating for 6 months.
I think he’s great and we get along well but there’s one thing that keeps giving me a bad feeling in my gut.

He’s friends with his most recent ex.

Not just that, they work together 😀 and we all live/work in a 3 block radius from each other.

I’ve asked probably 6 or 7 times about their relationship to gather for intel but each time he gets more and more upset. Stating I have nothing to worry about but he isn’t going to stop being friends with her so I have to get over it.

My reasoning for asking:

Sometimes he won’t mention her for a week and sometimes mentioning her 3 times or more on separate issues or things she said or how a topic we are on relates to a convo he had with her in a single hour.

He stated “ I wasn’t even attracted to her. I never felt romantic love for her”
Fact- they dated/ lived together for 2 years

I’m very confused and I want to get over these feelings and be happy with my partner.

Should I trust him despite the confusion as he has given me no reason not to trust him?

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