What is the biggest determining factor in how long it takes you to get ready to go out?

  1. My hair. Depending on how tidy and how clean it is after waking up I have to either include it while showering and/or try to tame it like a wild beast without looking like a cow licked it.

    Clothing was also an issue in the past, but I found a solution: every night before sleeping I think about what I’m gonna wear the next day, so that I know exactly what to take from the wardrobe and don’t waste any time hesitating. Also, it helps me disconnect when being concerned about any problem hindering my sleep (I share in case it might help anyone else).

  2. If I’ve already taken off my bra, it’s going to take a lot of time to motivate myself to get ready to leave the house.

  3. Where I’m going. I can get ready for work in 20 minutes but if was going out for a few drinks I’d like at least 90 minutes

  4. How many times I’m interrupted, it’s the most obnoxious thing. Just let me jam to my music and get ready please. I will be on time if you don’t interrupt me. I promise.

  5. If it’s cold out and I have to dry my hair after a shower, it takes about 10 minutes more. Then if I’m getting dressed up nice for a wedding, special dinner, or other event. I’ll straighten my hair for those things usually. Or I’ll curl it a bit different than my natural style. Everything else is about the same. 🤷🏻‍♀️😂 I can get completely ready (showered, dressed, makeup) in less than 20 minutes.

  6. If I’m curling my hair and doing fancier makeup, which takes an extra 20 minutes. Usually my get-ready routine takes about 10 minutes, because I don’t shower before I go out.

  7. My hair mostly. I have ridiculously long hair so it takes awhile to dry even with a hairdryer. How it’s styled can add more time too. If I’m letting my waves do their thing no extra time is needed. Any straightening or curling will add time though.

    Beyond that, it’s outfit choice. Gotta make sure it looks good but is also comfortable depending on what I’m doing. If I’m walking a lot, I don’t want cute sandals or something, or I’m risking blisters.

  8. If we’re going as a family I have to make sure everyone else is ready first….then it’s the shower, am I wearing a dress then I have to shave, devastation 😂

  9. Whether I need to shower and wash my hair. I don’t do my make up or shave anymore, so a lot of the previous going out prep has just completely fallen away. So if my hair’s still good I’m out of the house in like 5 minutes now. If I have to wash my hair it’s like 45-60 minutes in the summer and 2h in the winter.

  10. How my clothes are fitting. If I’m feeling bloated or I’ve gained weight, it can take me forever to find an outfit that I feel good in.

  11. Whether or not my hair needs to look nice or if I’ll be OK with just pulling it up in a messy bun.

  12. It really depends where I’m going. If it’s simply to work or casually running and errand I get dressed fairly quickly but for something more such as going out with friends or date night I take way longer.

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