Hi everyone,

I'm a 19-year-old male working a 9-5 job, my first job, and I've been at it for over a year now.

Lately, I've been thinking a lot about this because I've faced continuous rejections for promotions from my superiors.

In the time I've been here, I've made significant progress. I've earned multiple awards, received appreciation, gained the title of Subject Matter Expert, and had the opportunity to mentor newcomers multiple times. Yet, when it comes to promotions, I see people who are less skilled or less interested in the job getting promoted ahead of me. While some of the promotions are deserved, it's still confusing.

I’ve talked to my supervisor about it, and he said the reason is my "lack of maturity." He also implied that it's something that comes with age, and I can't really change it right now.

This has led me to overthink everything, and I'm starting to feel quite down about work. I've given my best in every aspect, but I’m unsure what I'm missing.

After doing some research, I see that maturity comes with experience. I used to think it was something you gain from facing tough situations and learning from them, but now I just feel stuck. Despite putting in 110% into both work and extra activities, I’m left feeling blank.

It's not just my superiors—my colleagues and friends have also pointed out this "maturity" factor.

What should I do? Any advice would be appreciated.

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