Had a 1st date recently (me/him both 30s) at night and he told me afterwards (text) he wanted to kiss but wasn't sure where I was at. I told him I totally wanted to kiss him too but the location was in amongst populated tables (not very private for the first kiss) and I also didn't know where his head was at. So he said we'll have to go somewhere less public next time.

I suggested day time coffee near a big park. My thinking being that there is lots of cheeky park benches and grassy private corners we can sit and hang out under in the sun and just relax and chill. Then have a little kiss.

Also, I want to stay away from the night time and alcohol theme for the next one because I like this guy and just want to make sure there is no wrong impression on keeping in slow.

And so begins my anxieties about the 2nd date being day time. I think all my prior relationships have always stuck to a nighttime theme for quite a while.

I'm sure responses will be "you do you", I guess I'm just looking for advice that I haven't done anything wrong in setting up the scene etc.

I haven't heard back from him yet about my coffee/park suggestion.

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