How are you supposed to help hopeless people?

I’m in a 12 step program currently. I’m not sponsoring anyone but have been trying to help others often as part of my recovery but honestly it’s starting to stress me out and effect me mentally.

One guy is mid 30’s living in poverty and disabled without a job, another is 22 living with abusive parents, and the other it looks will kill themself because they seem to be older in age, lonely, and messed up a chance with someone at work.

I just talked to the latter and have been trying to guide him away from suicide but it seems it wont work and the other two first guy not much he can do in his scenario, second guy refuses to do anything and keeps texting me he wants to die if things don’t change. Every time i suggest a possible out he completely shuts it down.

So now i get home from work, and have to help one of the three usually until its time for me to sleep and its stressing me out. I don’t want to see them suffer but i also don’t know how to not take their hardships personally.

Any advice?

( for further context i’m 20 so there’s the added stress of feeling the advice i can offer is limited)

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