I have this deep craving for people to know I am grateful for them. Even if they just held the door for me or gave me advice. Anything of that sort. Is this weird?? There was this girl i was friends with last year and i was anxious about something in school and she came up to me and talked me through it like anyone would but it meant so much to me i texted her how it meant to me a year later (she’s graduated now).
Another moment is when my friend was moving we were never close i barely talked to him in person but i told him i’d never met anyone like him and that hes selfless (which is true i’d never lie about anything i say about them)
I also love when people are authentic i like when people disagree with me about things because i have something to talk to them about passionately. I want to figure out why people are the way they are I don’t really hate anyone I some people are just annoying to me. and that’s ok. its just fascinating how cool people are to me and I feel weird for feeling like it because when I tell people about it they don’t relate.
Somethjng i do daily is daydream about moments where im given the chance to be intimate about my feelings and where it can be so normalized to say something so meaningful to someone. i want people to know who i am and what i authentically feel.
Am i doing too much? I really want to tell my friend that im grateful for the small deeds he did for me 6 months ago. It seems crazy lol. What is this called i just want everyone to know i love them. But i dont feel like this with my parents at all?? i crave intimacy but at the same time im scared of it, prob bc i have bad social skills but idk, give me ur thoughts!!!

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