I (20s F) live in an apartment complex in a city. My (30s M) upstairs neighbor recently put some windchimes on his upstairs porch out back. Not only can I hear them when I go out back onto my porch, I can hear them from *inside* my apartment, especially when I have the windows cracked (I don't have AC so I keep them permanently cracked all summer). They're not particularly loud when I'm inside, but I have very sensitive ears and I find it nearly impossible to ignore intrusive background noises like these.

At first I thought the sound was kind of nice but after having to listen to them almost constantly for the past few days I can feel them starting to drive me insane. I know that the longer this goes on the more I am going to start hating the sound.

Am I allowed to ask him to take them down? If so, how do I approach this? I really don't know what the etiquette is here and I don't want to be rude. We're definitely friendly with each other but not particularly close. I really don't want to strain our relationship and make things uncomfortable but I also feel like putting out windchimes when you live in an apartment complex is kind of insensitive since you're not giving all the people around you a choice about listening to them.

TL:DR: My upstairs neighbor put up windchimes that I can hear from inside my apartment and I want to ask him to take them down but I also really don't want to be rude.

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