What about your life would be different if Covid never happened?

  1. I’d probably have a different job by now. I was debating changing careers right before the shutdown, and at that point I didn’t want to make any drastic life choices.

  2. I would be going to the office a lot more. Also I would have seen my daughter graduate high school. I just realized that sounds more grave than it really is – she is alive and well, but we did not get the graduation ceremony we had been dreaming about for 18 years.

  3. Well, for one, my wedding would have been a much larger affair. It went from 200 people to 12. I’m not sure if we would have gotten into the home we did when we did (because the market doing what it did, and I believe covid was part of the reason the previous owners were moving). I imagine my wife would still have her old job, and I would likely still be in my old office building.

    So, not too drastically different.

  4. I work from home about 75% of the time. That only started because of all the shut downs and what not.

  5. I would have less money (working from home and not being able to go outside a lot helped save money) would have been able to go out a lot more so probably a better social life, maybe a different job since I was on that track when this started

  6. I probably would not have tried online dating and therefore would not have met my boyfriend.

  7. I’d have never gotten out of my comfort zone and might still work the same shitty job I had in 2020. So, much worse on the whole.

  8. It’s hard to say. The time spent living with my ex, where I really couldn’t connect with other people in my life, was really fucking bad. Who knows if the abuse would have been less awful, or maybe other people in my life would have noticed sooner and I’d have gotten out earlier.

  9. Reasonable chance that my husband would still be alive.

    He didn’t die from or with Covid, but with the benefit of hindsight, I think that he hid being in pain because he was afraid to go to a hospital during the peak of the pandemic and that earlier treatment might have lead to a better outcome.

  10. I wouldn’t have started a business with my brother. When COVID hit, I was unemployed and he was laid off as he just joined the business so he was first on the redundancy chopping block. So it was the perfect time for us both to say “let’s do this together”.

    We both dreamed of working for ourselves and being free to make our own destiny. It has been difficult to start a business, and took 6 months of growing pains without earning a thing.

    Now we are doing good, and it wouldn’t have happened if not for COVID. If COVID didn’t happen, I’d be earning way less in a entry level job at $20-25k (because I had a 3 year unemployment gap). This year I will probably earn $65k and next year I aim to double it.

    To answer your question, my job would be different. My income would be different. My daily schedule would be different.

  11. I would have a solid job and/or a better education. Instead Covid hit and changed all those plans since I was in the middle of huge life changes at the same time. It’s taken me a while to cope but at least I’m still ok.

  12. My daughter’s high school graduation would have been normal. Instead it was in the parking lot drive-through style. Very weird.

  13. I would never have been at hateful as I am now. Nowadays, I either tolerate something/someone or loathe them to oblivion

  14. Not much really. For some people, the covid pandemic was the worst thing that happened to them. For me and my wife, in the past 4 years, covid hasn’t even made the top 5.

  15. Would have gotten a better job, I would be doing one handed push ups, and I wouldn’t be so damn miserable.

  16. Not much, besides the economy being worse, which is affecting everybody

  17. Was on the verge of realizing my dream of moving to Australia, probably won’t ever happen now.

  18. My business would have been allowed to grow unhindered. Instead it came crashing down

  19. I would have a different job.

    When COVID hit I had applied for and killed an interview for a security job at a car manufacturing plant.

    They essentially gave me the job on the spot and had to go through the formality of getting it approved… Turned out they had just done a hiring freeze so I wasn’t hired.

    I found a different job, they had called back a few months later to offer me the spot but I turned it down due to being happy with work at home.

  20. Not much, I was semi-retired prior and deemed a “essential worker” at my part time job. (liquor store). The only lasting difference is I’ve cut a few friends loose when the pandemic exposed them as raving lunatics.

  21. I would have spent a lot more time commuting over the last couple of years.

    That’s….really about it, tbh.

  22. Well, I’d still be working for myself instead of a desk job, other than that nothing would be different

  23. Many, many things

    The specifics are hard to tell, but I graduated highschool in 2020

  24. 6 weeks off of work with nothing but my thoughts forced me to reassess and tackle my insecurities and depression.

  25. I would be way more miserable. Covid was the best 2 years of my life.

  26. I would still be friends with some dumb people but other than that, nothing.

  27. My mental health would be allot better. COVID and especially working in healthcare throughout the pandemic has had a big impact on our mental health

  28. I’d still be at my job I was at for over decade which gave me a reason to get out of bed and meet people which I always found difficult to do with my anxiety prehaps some form of mild autism to make socialising very difficult, now lost all contact with anyone I ever knew never been so depressed and hopeless, it’s been groundhog day since it started

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