I truly understand not all men are like this but the only experiences of random violence or aggression I've dealt with from people directed towards me have been men so I figured I'd ask here. I'll have these experiences random men will just become aggressive towards me — an example angry hateful glares when I'm waiting at the stoplight during runs, men aggressively staring at me then revving. I have no idea what is happening in these people's minds.

I don't think it's attraction because it's not an attracted face, it's a really hostile and angry face, I'd really describe it as hatred. Would men ever behave this way towards a woman he felt was unattractive? I'm just confused why anyone would behave that way.

I'd describe myself as fairly assertive without necessarily being aggressive. I don't wear revealing clothes when working out or running as I don't want male attention, I just want to workout. I'm really confused why these incidents are happening.

Another possibility is they think I'm homeless? Like I don't wear fancy clothes and I kind of just throw things on. Would men ever just become this randomly aggressive towards someone they thought was homeless? I really am confused.

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